Workshop “The effectiveness of the GDPR: practical aspects in light of the new Privacy legislation”

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On February 20th , Avv. Maria Roberta Perugini, Giancarlo Butti and Dr. Anna Rita Popoli, will participate as speakers at the workshop “The effectiveness of GDPR: practical aspects in light of the new Privacy legislation”, which will be held in Milan at NH Milano Machiavelli, Via Lazzaretto, 5.

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A compliance method – GDPR: new culture in the personal data protection

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We present the implementation model of the General Data Protection Regulation proposed to companies by the data protection team of Jacobacci & Associati: we use a multidisciplinary approach (legal, governance, technical, organizational) to accompany the company to define a framework for the implementation of the GDPR that can then apply continuously in a context of autonomy.

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Introduzione al GDPR e analisi degli impatti di adeguamento

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Il prossimo 28 giugno l’avv. Maria Roberta Perugini parteciperà come relatrice a Milano al seminario “Introduzione al GDPR e analisi degli impatti di adeguamento”. Si tratta di una edizione rinnovata dell’incontro – già tenuto a marzo con grande interesse del pubblico – dedicato alla presentazione del modello di implementazione del GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) proposto alle imprese dal team data protection di Jacobacci e Associati.

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Il consenso raccolto prima della data di efficacia del GDPR sarà ancora valido?

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La nota affronta il tema delle condizioni di validità del consenso raccolto nel vigore del Codice Privacy quale base giuridica del trattamento che perdura oltre il 25 maggio 2018: in pratica, il consenso raccolto correttamente secondo le prescrizioni del Codice Privacy si può considerare valido anche sotto il regime del GDPR, e pertanto costituisce idonea base giuridica del trattamento senza bisogno di raccoglierne uno nuovo?

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GDPR: new privacy – tailored compliance

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On March 28th 2017, the attorney at law Maria Roberta Perugini will take part as a speaker in Milan at a very particular meeting, dedicated to the presentation of an application model of GDPR developed by Giancarlo Butti and Alberto Piamonte and represented analytically in the book “GDPR: NEW PRIVACY – TAILORED COMPLIANCE”, just published (please find here attached the link to the publisher’s site, where you can also download an excerpt: and of which Maria Roberta Perugini has edited the preface that you will find below reported.

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Personal data made public by the ‘data subject’ and use of information published on social networks: early observations of GDPR art. 9, para. 2, letter e)

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Among the topics of current interest in the field of protection of personal data are the limits on use of the information published on social networks, especially in view of the regulatory changes introduced by the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”). This article identifies the consequences of this issue arising from the exception on the prohibition of “processing special categories of personal data” (Art. 9 GDPR) for cases where the processing relates to “personal data which are manifestly made public by the interested party “(paragraph 2, lett. e).

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