A compliance method – GDPR: new culture in the personal data protection

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We present the implementation model of the General Data Protection Regulation proposed to companies by the data protection team of Jacobacci & Associati: we use a multidisciplinary approach (legal, governance, technical, organizational) to accompany the company to define a framework for the implementation of the GDPR that can then apply continuously in a context of autonomy.

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Introduzione al GDPR e analisi degli impatti di adeguamento

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Il prossimo 28 giugno l’avv. Maria Roberta Perugini parteciperà come relatrice a Milano al seminario “Introduzione al GDPR e analisi degli impatti di adeguamento”. Si tratta di una edizione rinnovata dell’incontro – già tenuto a marzo con grande interesse del pubblico – dedicato alla presentazione del modello di implementazione del GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) proposto alle imprese dal team data protection di Jacobacci e Associati.

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Workshop – The EU General Data Protection Regulation: the model for a compliance “tailored”

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On March 28, Maria Roberta Perugini and Giancarlo Butti, of the data protection team of Jacobacci & Associati, will participate as rapporteurs at the workshop “The EU General Data Protection Regulation: the model for a compliance “tailored””, which will take place in Milan at NH Milano Touring, via Ugo Tarchetti 2.

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