Il consenso raccolto prima della data di efficacia del GDPR sarà ancora valido?

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La nota affronta il tema delle condizioni di validità del consenso raccolto nel vigore del Codice Privacy quale base giuridica del trattamento che perdura oltre il 25 maggio 2018: in pratica, il consenso raccolto correttamente secondo le prescrizioni del Codice Privacy si può considerare valido anche sotto il regime del GDPR, e pertanto costituisce idonea base giuridica del trattamento senza bisogno di raccoglierne uno nuovo?

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Body in charge of vigilance and control and privacy roles: general evaluation and first considerations on DPO’s processings

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We deal the interesting topic concerning individuation of the role assigned to bodies in charge of vigilance and control within instances of personal data processing; these bodies are by their nature independent to the entity they supervise, even when being part of it.

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Personal data made public by the ‘data subject’ and use of information published on social networks: early observations of GDPR art. 9, para. 2, letter e)

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Among the topics of current interest in the field of protection of personal data are the limits on use of the information published on social networks, especially in view of the regulatory changes introduced by the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”). This article identifies the consequences of this issue arising from the exception on the prohibition of “processing special categories of personal data” (Art. 9 GDPR) for cases where the processing relates to “personal data which are manifestly made public by the interested party “(paragraph 2, lett. e).

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